Private Tutoring Near You
Over 200,000 Students Successfully Tutored
At Tutor Doctor, our private tutors recognise the significance of your child's education and aim to help them remain competitive in today's academic environment.
This is where tutoring comes into play. But what is tutoring exactly?
Tutoring is a method of teaching that focuses on the individual needs of each student. Your student can choose between private home tutoring or online tutoring in South Africa.
Tutor Doctor’s private online tutoring and home tutoring services evaluate every student to identify their needs, create customised lessons, and track their progress. We’ll conduct a free consultation to learn about your goals and create a custom plan to achieve them. Then we’ll match your student with the right tutor based on academic needs, interests, and learning style. From there, the tutor tailors a program to maximise your student’s improvement.
We acknowledge that each student is unique and has their own way of learning and pace of learning. That’s why we offer customised private home tutoring or online tutoring in South Africa.
The Tutor Doctor Difference

Thinking Caps Can Be Tailored
Tutor Doctor provides private tutoring online or at home to students of all ages, levels, and subjects. We come to your home or meet you online to help you or your student to fill in the gaps in his or her knowledge base.

Both At Home And Online.